The new year is the perfect time to turn to a new page and start anew which is why most people would start jotting down their potential New Year's resolution on their journals.

Everybody seems to be so excited for change on the start of the year. Yet when some time has passed, much too often people who made resolutions for the New Year find themselves right back where they started. Promising to do what they were supposed to do at the start of the year. According to statistics, only 8 percent of people are able to stick to their resolutions and here are the reasons why.

You failed to put your whole heart into it

Make sure that when you decide to do something, you do it with all of your heart; not half heartedly because you are only setting yourself up for failure. If you want to succeed at something, you should be willing to do whatever it takes in order to achieve it.

You don't set the bars higher

People who decide to make a change in their lives are those who are setting higher standards for themselves. That's because they don't want to be stuck on their current state. They want to improve in every aspect of their life.

You don't have very good reasons and motivation for your resolution

Intrinsic or internal motivation is a lot stronger than external motivation. When you decide to do something, it should be backed up with a strong emotional desire that will fuel your willingness to finish what you started. If these reasons are internal, they should be aligned with your beliefs and principles because it will increase your chances of success.

You confine yourself in the belief of who you are

You will never be successful in making a change in your life unless you learn to let go of the belief of who you are. If you choose to believe that you can be better and that you can change, then change will also follow.

Topics Reasons, Fail