Niantic is having a special event for Pokemon Go in time for the holiday season and in this light, Niantic will give away unique rewards to avid players of the widely popular mobile game.

During the Special Event, Pokestops will reward players with a single-use incubator for each day after the first photo disc spin and during the event, players will get a greater chance to find the eggs that hatch Pichu and Togepi. The said event is also a perfect chance to capture the limited-edition Pikachu. Meanwhile, if you've been dreaming of catching Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle and their evolutions, it's time to set your alarm in the afternoon of Dec. 30 until Jan.8 as the first partner Pokemon will likely to appear.

Niantic also surprised players with the three tier of boxes that will go out on sale until Jan. 3. The sale was not mentioned in at the post regarding the Christmas and New Year events, Forbes reported. New features were also added in the holiday update of the Pokemon Go, where players get a greater chance to easily capture the Pokemon.

Some players may have been disappointed after learning that Niantic will not give out double candy or XP that they can use to evolve the Pokemons they have. Some players on the other hand were happy to know that Niantic is increasing the chance to capture the baby Pokemon hatched from the eggs. With the free incubator, players get the chance to hatch their hard-earned eggs for free.

So, to those players who haven't got a chance to capture the second generation Pokemon, now is the perfect time to get hold of them. Go visit PokeStops and grab the free single-use incubators before the time runs out. Gotta catch 'em all!