College-bound students normally receive advice on how to prepare for and make the most of college life. These often come from counselors, professors, college students, and graduates. Now, a university president shares some tips to students.

Santa Ono, the 28th president of the University of Cincinnati, shares some advice to students as an answer to the question, "What are some good pieces of advice that most college students are not ever likely to hear?" the Business Insider reported. Here's what Ono has to share, according to Quora.


Ono says students should remain focused on the reason why they go to college. They should keep it in mind from the time they start preparing for college and until they graduate.

Know your limitations

Since college is less structured compared to high school, students can try a lot more things - and at times end up taking on more than what they can bear.

Because college freshmen are eager to try on many things, they end up committing themselves to too many things. Knowing one's limitations will greatly help. Asking help and guidance from professors and student's success groups will help as well.

Involve yourself in the college community

Many students get homesick because they fail to integrate with the school community. Looking into school organizations or clubs early and joining them to ease into the school community will greatly help.

Get involved in school activities

College life is full of activities, be it sports, music, or other activities. Don't speed through college without engaging any of these. Make it a part of your college life, as it should be.

Establish Good Friendships

College is the best time to make friends. Friendships made in college, Ono says, are likely the friendships that will last a lifetime.