Seeing all those Holiday hams and Christmas roasts can dissuade anyone to go on a diet. Some people are already searching for tips and ways to control their eating.

However, according to a University of Windsor associate psychology professor, everyone can forget about dieting over Christmas and starting a New Year's resolution,

Professor Josee Jarry says that no one should diet, as reported by Windsor Star. The only way for anyone to enjoy Christmas or the Holiday feasts is to not diet at all. She says that if a person is not a dieter, that person can enjoy that Christmas food every day. Her tip is to never deprive yourself of food because there is no need to stuff the stomach on what is always been there.

Jarry specializes in eating disorders and body image. She supervises the Studies in Psychology of Appearance (SPA) lab, as reported by University of Windsor. According to her, it is alright to eat everything you see on the feast table. However, she states that it is unreasonable to think that anyone can diet over the holidays. For her, this is definitely the wrong time.

She stresses that dieting is not a means of control but a lifestyle. She insists that if anyone wants to make changes, they should consult a dietician. And to make it even more realistic, they need to do it after the holidays.

But the Psychology professor explains that dieting is not a good way to live, anyway. She has seen people flip between overeating and dieting. In her studies, she found that denying the body of necessary calories will cause the body to react and protect itself from starvation. In essence, diets puts them in the best place to gain weight.

Her tip for tonight's Christmas Party? Do not skip lunch so you can load up during the dinner party. Allow the body to eat in small amounts, instead.

In some other related news, check out the video below on how to deal with diet restrictions during the holidays: