"Geostorm" is an environmental disaster movie that pits Gerard Butler at the top of the casting list. The movie was supposed to have been released last October 2016 but for some reason was moved back to January 2017, only to be pushed back again to October 2017.

Dean Devlin who also penned and produced hits like Stargate and Independence Day directed the movie. However, according to Den of Geek, Devlin's directorial debut must not have gone according to plan. The movie wrapped shooting back in 2015 and it was given an October 2016 release.

However, test screening for the movie seemed unsatisfactory that post-production was prolonged with orders for reshoots. However, but the original director is no longer involved in the reshoot.

The Hollywood Reporter reported that Danny Cannon (Judge Dredd, Gotham) was brought in to direct the reshoots and overseen by newly installed producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Bruckheimer is the producer behind the mega-franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Sources report that it will reportedly cost Skydance Media up to $15 million to complete the necessary reshoot and that some characters in the movie are being scrapped from the script. The high cost was mainly due to reassemble the international cast as well as docketing significant visual effects and music work.

It is no longer uncommon for big-budget films, additional photography and reshoots are not indicators that a film would be a failure. The fact is these are now being routinely added to schedules and budgets. Films such as "World War Z," where Sundance was involved in did reshoots turning the movie into a commercial success grossing over $540 million at the box-office.

Additionally, "Rogue One" hit theaters last weekend was widely received garnering the second biggest domestic box-office opening this December.

"Geostorm's" plot follows the Jake (Gerard Butler) who flies to space to stop climate-controlling satellites from creating a storm of epic proportions. On earth, his brother uncovers a plot to assassinate the president.

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