Delaware State University (DSU) has suspended activities of all band music groups of the school for the remaining fall semester amid investigations into hazing allegations.

Dr. Alton Thompson, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said that the school decided to suspend the groups after receiving complaints of possible hazing allegations. DSU police and the Office of Student affairs have already started the investigation and are still in the initial stages.

"The University takes these allegations of hazing very seriously, and as such, taking action immediately to suspend the band activities and thoroughly investigate the veracity of the charges is the only appropriate course," Thompson said in astatement.

The punishment was implemented because the school requires the defendants to be suspended while there is an ongoing investigation on its activities or actions.

About 150 students, who participate in the bands, have been affected with the suspension. No bands including DSU Approaching Storm Marching Band, Jazz Ensembles, Concert Band and Pep Bands, will play at the school's final home football game, Nov. 23. However, music-related academic classes will continue.

"The kids are disappointed and any time there's a high profile group that is involved in something such as this then the school as a whole is affected in some way," Thompson said. "The student body understands, however, that their safety is paramount to being part of the school's core responsibilities and understands that we are going to give this our full attention and focus," Newszap reports.

Thomson said that 'multiple sources' reported possible hazing issues.

"If the suspension needs to stay in order longer, then it will," Thompson said. "The investigation will be thorough and be given the time it needs to insure student safety is reached."

Thomson further said that the university is particular about its 'no-hazing' policy and does not encourage such offensive behaviour under any circumstances.

The band's future for the spring semester will be determined once the investigation concludes.