While it is true that certain colleges have produced more U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents than others, some other strange facts might be less obvious and more puzzling.
For example, only five schools nationwide have produced more than one President of the United States of America. The Naval Academy in Annapolis and the West Point Academy are the only military academies to produce a president and they have accounted for three put together, half as many as Harvard.
Cambridge, Mass.' Ivy League gem, Harvard has produced six presidents and four vice presidents, more than anyone else in either category. The next two - Yale University and College of William and Mary - combine for six presidents and four vice presidents.
The other two schools that have produced multiple presidents are West Point and Princeton.
Notable schools that have produced just one president are Georgetown, Stanford, North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Amherst and Columbia, which did not have a presidential graduate until Barack Obama took office.
George Washington, the first POTUS (President of the United States), is one of a handful to not have a college degree.
Here are the top ten schools with U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents as graduates, based on data from FindTheBest.com.
1. Harvard University - Cambridge, Mass.
VP: 4
Notable grads: John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. and Teddy Roosevelt
2. Yale University
VP: 2
Notable grads: William Taft, George H. W. and son, George W. Bush.
3. College of William and Mary
VP: 2
Notable grads: Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Tyler. George Washington attended and did not graduate.
4. Princeton University
VP: 3
Notable grads: Woodrow Wilson, James Madison. JFK attended and transferred to Harvard.
5. U.S. Military Academy at West Point
VP: 0
Notable grads: Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower
6. Georgetown University
POTUS: 1 (Bill Clinton)
VP: 0
7. University of Michigan
POTUS: 1 (Gerald Ford)
VP: 1
8. Texas State University at San Marcos
VP: 1
9. University of Pennsylvania
VP: 0
10. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
POTUS: 1 (James K. Polk)
VP: 1