Fans of the acclaimed manga series "One Piece" were left with a gripping cliffhanger as the previous chapter, called "Choniki in Mirrorland," revealed Reiju severely wounded. As such, fans have been speculating on some possible spoilers that might conclude in the upcoming "One Piece" Chapter 850. Moreover, reports suggest that the series will be moving on to the Kaido Arc in 2017.

Most fans will remember that the previous events leading up to "One Piece" Chapter 850 saw the Vinsmoke Family plotting to keep Pudding under their supervision. They wanted Pudding and Sanji to reside in Germa Kingdom after their marriage, in an attempt to prevent Big Mom from taking advantage of them.

Over at Mirro-World, fans saw how Carrot and Chopper were able to defeat Brûlée and her team. After Carrot cleverly tricked Brûlée by turning a frog as her double, a battle ensued where they were able to take down everyone in the room. Prior to "One Piece" Chapter 850, Chopper and Carrot were last seen traveling through the island's mirrors looking for allies.

Meanwhile, the events leading up to "One Piece" Chapter 850 saw Big Mom dealing with Brook in the Romm of Treasure, while Sanji is preparing to cook food for Pudding in another room. In the end, fans witnessed Reiju struggling down a hallway and severely wounded.

As such, some fans have been pondering on some theories and spoilers for "One Piece" Chapter 850 as to who attacked Reiju or what caused her injuries, Hall of Fame Magazine reported.

It was stated therein that fans inclined to the theory of Pudding attacking Reiju. Spoilers for "One Piece" Chapter 850 suggest that Pudding's devil fruit ability, which was said to be some kind of mind control, could have caused Reiju's injuries.

In other news, the editor for "One Piece" was reported to have revealed the next arc for the manga series, Otaku Vines learned. It was said that the news was announced during a live stream, called "School of Jump," from Shueisha's weekly "Shonen Jump Magazine."

The source noted that "One Piece" will be entering Kaido's arc some time in 2017. Despite not giving an exact date, the editor went on to state that the current arc for Big Mom is almost done.