The University of Colorado recently expressed they are cutting ties with Dr. Michelle Herren. She called the United States First Lady Michelle Obama "monkey face."

Dr. Herren is an anesthesiologist from the University of Colorado's School of Medicine. She also works at the Denver Health Medical Center. However, the University of Colorado no longer wishes to continue its relationship with Dr. Herren.

Herren previously commented on a post that features Michelle Obama. Using her personal Facebook account, she replied to that particular post by calling Mrs. Obama names such as "monkey face" and has "poor ebonic English." In addition to her comment, she also said that she is only telling the truth and that does not make her racist. However, her behavior does not bode well with the University of Colorado.

The School of Medicine recently stated that her values do not agree with the teachings of the University of Colorado. And that her comment has compromised the teachings and patient care mission of their school.

Aside from the University of Colorado's termination, the Denver Health Medical Center also terminated its relationship with Michelle Herren. She no longer has a position in the center and she is no longer seeing patients at the hospital. According to the Morning Ledger, the Denver Health Medical Center and Michelle Herren has entered a mutual agreement that Herren is going to voluntarily resign regardless of her ten year tenure with the hospital.

Reports have indicated that Michelle Herren has deactivated her personal Facebook account and has also deleted her comment on the photo. During an interview with KMGH, she told the news station that her comments were taken out of context and she was not aware the phrase "monkey face" was an offensive term. Regardless of her explanation, the University of Colorado and the Denverr Health Medical Center still stand by their decision to cut ties with Herren.