In "Final Fantasy XV," players can find a number of unique weapons hidden throughout the action role-playing video game. Some weapons of FFXV can be upgraded while some are special weapons acquired by means of the game's mission.

The first weapon upgrades in "Final Fantasy 15" a player will get is the Engine Blade, this weapon is given at the beginning of the video game. The Engine Blade can be upgraded as the FFXV player progress through the game. The level 1 upgrade of the first weapon requires a Rusty Bit which is found via the common treasure item as the gamer explores in the action role-playing video game.

While the Drain Lance will be discovered as the players of "Final Fantasy XV" will go through the main mission of the game, so there's no reason to miss this weapon. The Auto Crossbow weapon will be acquired during the main quests in the video game, every FFXV gamer will receive the weapon as long as the player will follow the story of the game, according to Gamers Heroes.

The Auto Crossbow can be found on the floor while players are investigating the Royal Tomb in the Tomb of the Wise. The Bio Blaster, on the other hand, will be discovered outside the door that leads to Keycatrich.

In related news, one of the most frustrating things in the action role-playing game is the player's journey can be tough, considering FFXV's main protagonist Noctis can only sprint for a given amount of time. Nonetheless, there's a guide on how to hurdle that obstacle. First, the players of "Final Fantasy 15" need to activate the overhead stamina bar on the screen.

Then, the player will hold down the circle button until it's near empty, after that, before it bottoms out, release the circle button and then click it a half-second later. As a result, the stamina of Noctis will immediately get a refill, Mashable reported.

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