'Destiny' News: Latest Expansion To Be Released For Upcoming Sequel? Will 'Destiny 2' Be Announced In PlayStation Experience 2016? [VIDEO]
ByFans and gamers alike can starkly remember that it has already been two years with over four released-expansions since "Destiny" was initially launched. As such, fans of the online-only first-person shooter game are keen on any news of an expansion getting released in the coming future. Moreover, these same fans are speculating that more details about the upcoming "Destiny 2" might be announced in this months PlayStation Experience 2016.
It was recently reported that Bungie, the iconic developer behind the franchise, was rumored to have teased new content for "Destiny" this coming 2017, The Gamer's Drop has learned. It was mentioned therein that a recent content tease suggests that the game might receive two more DLCs (downloadable contents) in the coming year.
The source cited a recent tweet by Bungie's community manager, David "Deej" Dague, via his Twitter account. He went on to say that there will be new content arriving for "Destiny" soon. Moreover, fans have also implied that it is about time that some new content gets released since it has been months since the release of the last expansion, "The Taken King."
We'll talk to you about what we'll have for you to play next soon. After the holidays, the conversation will get back on track. https://t.co/zI8EeVyX8Y
— DeeJ (@DeeJ_BNG) November 23, 2016
It was also suggested by the source that it might be a logical step for Bungie and Activision to take by releasing a new expansion that could prepare their fans and bridge them between the original game and the upcoming sequel, "Destiny 2."
Fans can remember that "Destiny 2" and its development has been reconfirmed by its developers before, which reassures them that the sequel is well on its way, University Herald reported.
As such, there have been rumors circulating around as to whether Bungie will be announcing some major details regarding its highly-anticipated sequel, "Destiny 2," in the upcoming PlayStation Experience 2016 this month of December, VG24/7 noted.
It was stated by the source via Bungie's blog post that the developers will be heading to Anaheim, California this Dec. 3 and 4 for the PlayStation Experience 2016 and that the particulars of their visit in the event will be kept in a tight lid.
That being said, it was being implied that fans might hear some major announcements regarding their plans for the franchise's upcoming sequel.