"Dragon Ball Super" fans are excited about the upcoming episode. This because the Anime show will feature the return of Arale and Goku finds himself working as a part-time security guard.

Update on Upcoming "Dragon Ball Super" Episode

Mami Koyama will once again assume the voice of Arale in the upcoming "Dragon Ball Super" Episode 69, according to the Anime News Network. The announcement was made by Toei Animation Studios on November 29. English translation of its Japanese title reads as "Goku versus. Arale! A Nonsense Battle Will End the World?" To the uninitiated, the title seems weird or does not even make sense. Episode 69 will also feature Goten and Trunks searching for a suitable gift to Videl.

Arele - A Recurring "Dragon Ball" Character

As mentioned earlier, this is not the first time Arele made an appearance in the "Dragon Ball" series. She previously appeared on episode 43 back in May. This time however, she will be the leading character in episode 69. Based on the title, it seems there will be a confrontation between Goku and Arele that may have serious consequences.

Trouble at the Ceremony

Goku managed to get himself hired as a part-time guard at the World Invention Award ceremony in which Bulma is one of the attendees. Goku is currently working in order to earn some money or else Chi-chi will be upset. It did not take long for trouble to erupt. A scientist named Dr. Mashirito was terribly upset after he was not invited to the awarding ceremony. The doctor however, went to the event any way and created some disturbance. He was not alone as Arale and Gatchan were with him.

Arale is actually an important character in the Dr. Slump manga. She also made several appearances in a "Dragon Ball" movie as well as video games. "Dragon Ball Super" debut on Japan on July 2015. Recently, North American audiences are currently watching around 10 episodes of the show weekly courtesy of AnimeLab, Crunchyroll and Daisuki.