"Watch Dogs" game has reportedly been leaning more on a different Rudyard Kipling backdrop these days. Moreover, critics have noted that the sequel to the "Watch Dogs" apparently supports a protagonist with humor. The San Francisco theme reportedly also received praises as "Watch Dogs 2" is said to be a hacking game.

"Watch Dogs" recently delivered a sequel hit game from ubisoft Montreal on the PS4 and Xbox One platforms last Nov. 15 with a PC version launched on Nov. 29. In light of this, critics have reviewed the "Watch Dogs" sequel to reveal that the new version may be more enjoyable. Interestingly, notable "Watch Dogs" critics have reportedly noted that "Watch Dogs" has been well designed and is full of heart.

Moreover, "Watch Dogs 2" now reportedly sports a more lighthearted tone as well as a new setting. It has also been noted that the newer "Watch Dogs" may no longer feature the same gray city, dull protagonist and questionable moral compass that reportedly made the first game a dreary experience. On the other hand, "Watch Dogs 2" now portrays a beautiful Bay Area map, Destructoid reported.

"Watch Dogs 2" has reportedly caught the good eye of numerous critics due to more flexible missions. "Watch Dogs" players may now opt for non-violent missions with good enough stealth. Additionally, the "Watch Dogs 2" multiplayer mode was also noted for leaning on fun and unconventional as well.

Meanwhile, "Watch Dogs" has reportedly been trending on Twitter with gamers noting that the gameplay is smooth. Moreover, there have been no glitches that have been claimed. In the meantime, "Watch Dogs" is said to be running easily at 65 frames per second with 1080p resolution.

"Watch Dogs 2" frame rates may drop to 45 when driving full-tilt over at downtown San Francisco, PC World reported. Additionally, frame rates have also been noted to drop when it rains. However, critics have noted that the sequel to "Watch Dogs" allegedly never dropped below 40. In contrast, "Watch Dogs" players have also noted a drop to 20fps with the multiplayer mode. Watch the Walkthrough Gameplay here:

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