Jamie Dornan didn't have such a wonderful time during the production of "Fifty Shades of Grey" and reports are saying he doesn't want the movie to define him by starring in new film "Untogether."

Dornan not happy With "Fifty Shades"?

There were rumors that Jamie Dornan was in a relationship with his co-star Dakota Johnson, and this allegedly ruined his marriage with wife Amelia Warner. There are theories that sequels "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed" were produced continuously to make sure Dornan stays on board for the entire duration of the franchise.

He was not happy making the film despite its massive success. It raked in $571 million in the box office, from a budget of only $40 million. But the movie was mocked as it got five awards from the Golden Raspberry Awards, which includes Worst Picture.

'Untogether' Shows A New Character for Dornan

Now that filming the sequels is over, Jamie Dornan has started taping for his new movie "Untogether." Dornan in this new movie looks totally different from his character in Fifty Shades of Grey.

"Untogether" production images were shared online with Dornan in semi-casual attire, Just Jared reported. He also has a beard in the new movie. His character, Nick, is definitely different from Christian Grey.

The movie is about a teen prodigy who became a heroin fiend, Celebuzz reported. She went into recovery and later on tried to become a writer. Some of the other casts in the movie includes Jennifer Grey, Ben Mendlesohn, and Lola Kirke. The movie will be released in the summer of 2017.

Rumored Replacing as Grey is Untrue

Dornan denied theories from fans saying that he will be replaced by "The Vampire Diaries" star Ian Somerhalder as Christian Grey is untrue. He said in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel that it would be very difficult for the producers to shoot the franchise with a different actor.