There's a certain kind of elation that follows after getting scheduled for an interview. However, it's only the beginning. There are a lot of steps that candidate's need to take during and after an interview.

USA Today College shared seven mistakes that cost candidates the chance at their dream job. The tips were provided by successful entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC).

1. Making the interview all about yourself

Companies are actually more interested in what you can bring to the table instead of what they can do for you. After all, you are joining their community. It's good to know and understand the company's industry and mission to know how you can help improve operations.

2. Not doing your research

It makes the most sense to prepare for an interview with a company by knowing everything about them. Researching about the company would demonstrate how interested you are to the job.

3. Failing to ask questions

According to Anthony Pezzotti of, job interviews are a two-way street. Be prepared with your own set of questions. This will also show that you care about the job and the company.

4. Not showing enough passion

Not doing your research beforehand and failing to ask questions could easily put off a hiring manager since it may mean that you are not as passionate about the job and the company. What company would want an uninterested applicant to join their team?

5. Making a lot of excuses

Getting defensive and negative about your previous workplace will actually reflect poorly on you. This is because it would indicate that you are not a team player and likes to make excuses.

6. Asking what the company can do for you

Instead, ask what you can do for the company. Recruiters are more inclined to hire people who are givers.

7. Only preparing to answer questions

Again, job interviews are a two-way street. It's good to be prepared for the questions and do your research. On top of that, share unique things about yourself and how you would be a good fit for the company.