A survey was recently conducted between 500 participants of all ages to answer a number of questions about themselves and how they view their smartphone. It was revealed that there was a huge difference in the attitudes of people who use iPhones and people who use Android smartphones.

The survey was conducted by students of the University of Hertforshire, University of London and Lancaster University. All the colleges are located in the United Kingdom and the results came as somewhat of a surprise as the choice of a smartphone reveals a lot about the personality of the person.

The popularity of smartphones rose as 64 percent of American adults today are reported to own a smartphone, according to PEW Internet. This number has doubled to what it was 5 years ago as owning a smartphone has become a common thing in the U.S.

The study revealed that the possibility of an iPhone female users is double compared to it being male, according to Medical News Today. Also, iPhone users think that owning an iPhone lifts their status compared to those owning an Android phone as they don't think that is the case. They are also not that concerned with owning devices that are preferred by the majority.

Other results from the study saw that users of Android displayed more honesty and agreeability compared to those who own an iPhone. This means they are nicer and there is a small possibility that they will break the rules for their own benefit. They are the type who will rarely disagree with whatever it is they are told.

iPhone users are also revealed to be more extroverted than Android users which means they have a bigger tendency of going out and meeting new people than those who own Android devices. This means Android users would prefer to stay at home and watch TV rather than spending their Saturday nights at a bar enjoying drinks.

Check out this video about what iPhone7 users say to Android users