Marvel recently confirmed that the long running comic book series, "The Inhumans," will be adapted, and the release of its first episodes will be a big event.

Marvel's "The Inhumans" TV Show Will First Hit over 1,000 IMAX theaters in some 74 different countries in September 17, Lazy Gamer reported. IMAX approached Marvel and ABC with the idea of showing the first episodes in their theater houses, which allowed the first two episodes to be shot with IMAX camera.

Innovative Strategy to Outstand other TV Series

ABC Television Group president Ben Sherwood said everybody wins with their innovative strategy of showing the first two episodes in IMAX theatres, Hollywood Reporter reported. This is a smart move for the TV Company considering that there is an expected total of 500 original series to hit TV soon. ABC's strategy to standout from all of these series is to really go big.

First TV Series to Premier on Big Screen

The Disney-owned TV networks announced on November 14 that "The Inhumans" will hit the big screen first before airing on TV. The new series will have a total of eight episodes. The first two episodes will be shown in IMAX theaters for two weeks starting on next year's Labor Day.

This is the first time that a TV series premiers on the big screen, which "event-ize" the release of "The Inhumans."

Sherwood said this strategy will benefit IMAX, Marvel, ABC Studios, and on how ABC launches its new series. Fans can expect that there will be more innovative strategies for showing TV series in the future, according to Sherwood.

"The Inhumans" is a story about a race of mutants. Their king, Black Bolt, leads the pact of his Royal Family. The members of this race include, Maximus the Mad, Crystal, Triton, Gorgon, Karnak, and Medusa.

Topics Marvel