Not everyone in the world can be lucky enough to be in his or her ideal job. And if you feel like you are stuck in a job or position that you think is wrong for you, you don't have to suffer doing something you are not good at or something that's really not making you happy and grow in your career.

If you are beginning to wonder if you are still a good fit for your company, here are some ways to help you figure out if it's time to quit and move on.

  • Nothing in your job seems easy. If this is how you feel about your work, then that line of job may not really be the one for you. According to a career expert Louis Efron who wrote for Forbes, "The successful employees were playing to their strengths, doing what came naturally to them. For the less successful employees it required much more effort and energy."
  • You despise Sunday even if it's a weekend. Sundays are supposed to be fun, a day you're supposed to spend unwinding and feeling relaxed. But if you're spending it by dreading work on the next day (which is a Monday), then that could be a sign you're clearly not happy about your job anymore.
  • Your job saddens you. Bad days happen, but if you're having a bad day at work every single day and don't find any good or positive thing about work anymore, that's an alarming sign that you have to start thinking about your work.
  • Going to work is a battle every day. When in most days you already think about calling in sick and you just try to convince yourself why you must get up and work, then that's clearly an indication that you no longer have the motivation to work.
Topics Signs, Job, Career, Company