"Naruto Shippuden" will bring a new arc to the anime series as Sasuke returns to his hometown of Konoha to help his people in "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise." The new episode is an adaptation of Shin Towada's novel of the same name.

There has been two confirmed episodes for this story arc, which are "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise - The Detonating Man" and "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise - Colosseum." The new episodes will be aired on Dec. 1, Mobilenapps reported. There has been two confirmed episodes that are based on the book.

The story follows Uchiha Sasuke after fighting in the Fourth Shinobi War. This new arc will lead him to a question on a revenge against his brother and search for a more meaningful life.

Fans Theorize Four Episodes

There are no confirmed reports on how many episodes the book adaptation will cover, but there are rumors that it will take around four episodes. The earlier novel adaptation of "Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness," which has 544 pages took 8 episodes. Meanwhile, "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise" has 244 pages, Saiyan Island reported.

The "Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise" novel was released in Japan in 2015. The book focuses on Sasuke's journey to seek vengeance against his brother, who destroyed his hometown of Konoha. But Naruto was there to stop him. In the story he later on pursued the mysterious Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Other Novel Adaptations

Besides the Sasuke arc, it is confirmed that the Naruto series will also adapt two more Novels, the "Konoha Hiden: The Perfect day for a Wedding" and the "Shikamaru Hidden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness." There are no official reports on when these episodes will air, but they are expected for release right after the Sasuke story.

Fans will have to wait for further reports on the progress of the animated series.