Applying to college can be very stressing. In addition to passing all senior high school requirements, college-bound students also need to research school options, work on all application requirements, and find funds to finance college right from the start of the application process. Stressing right?
What's more stressing is that college-bound students need to do all of that before university application deadlines. When a student is able to do all of that but fails to meet a school's deadline for submission of applications, all his efforts fail. Thankfully, there's a good option for that. Enter rolling admissions.
Colleges that offer rolling admissions allow students to apply to college with a lot less stress and pressure thanks to a wider window of time. Not only do college-bound students benefit from such an admission policy, but so do parents, teachers, school counselors, and admissions officers too.
Here are some benefits that rolling admissions give, according to TIME.
More time to conduct a meaningful college search
Searching for the best school to study in college will take an ample amount of time. Having a more relaxed deadline allows students to take their time in finding the best school for them. It also allows them more freedom to decide which school and major to apply for.
More time for teachers and counselors
Rolling admissions allow teachers and counselors to prepare more meaningful letters of recommendation that college-bound students can use to apply to college.
Faster release of admissions results
Schools with rolling admissions accept applicants on the first-come first-served basis, and usually release acceptance results in as early as two to four weeks after receiving a student's application. Students who receive acceptance results can also act accordingly; If they're accepted, they can prepare early, and if they're not accepted they can move on to apply to another school
A fallback
Colleges that offer rolling admissions are not as selective as compared to those that have strict deadlines. These schools can be a safe option, though they shouldn't be considered a last resort because many excellent schools offer rolling admissions too.
Looking for the best college that offers a wider window of time to process college applications? Click here for a list of the 10 best universities that offer rolling admissions.