Nintendo 64 remains one of the most popular video game systems that ever got made. On Sept. 29, it celebrated its 20th anniversary by releasing a book titled, "Nintendo 64 Anthology Collector's Edition" written by Matt Manent. The book is going to be available at bookstores worldwide on Nov. 29 but it can already be pre-ordered right now on Amazon.

The book has a reasonable price tag of $29.18 since it is 348 pages long. It is a very informative read about the legendary console and Matt Manent even interviewed people involved at the time it was made. It covers everything about Nintendo 64 including accessories, cancelled games and all its versions.

During its release, the Nintendo 64 became so popular that several players of the Chicago Bills, Matthew Perry and even Steven Spielberg's office reached out to Nintendo so that they can get their hands on the game faster than the public. The console ended up selling 350000 out of the available 500000 units in its first three days when it came out in North America last Sept. 26, 1996.

There is a total of 388 games that was released for the console including GoldenEye 007, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Mario 64 and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Out of all those games, Super Mario 64 is the best selling game with 11 million purchases worldwide. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time paved the way for future 3D action games and it is in the top 10 best games of all time in the minds of hundreds of video game enthusiasts.

The book is a must have for all video game enthusiasts who in one way or the other played a Nintendo 64 game. The console definitely became a part of the lives of most adults today.