It feels good to go to work when you have a good working environment and if you have established harmonious working relationships with your colleagues. You can get more than just your paycheck when you are happy with your work. However, you also have to be careful because the professional network you build within your workplace might be the reason for your career problems.

When you deal with personal problems especially when it comes to your problems at home, you are most likely going to share it with your workmates but remember that there is a risk involved when you do it. They may be able to share great and helpful advice but, you can't always be so sure about who to trust. Sharing certain aspects of your life in the right ways is crucial, because the information you share might be leading your career to the wrong direction. Here are some of the details of your life that are not meant to be shared at work:

  • The difficulties you are dealing with your current relationship. Not everyone you share these things with actually care, and some others may just relate to your performance or errors if you commit any.
  • Your financial problems or how much money you make. It will affect the way you look at a coworker or vice versa the moment you start comparing figures.
  • Your health situation. You do not need to share this as you might be perceived as someone who's only asking for mercy. The only time when it would probably be most appropriate to share details of your health condition is when it is already affecting your work.
  • Your family problems. That is the reason why it's called family problems, because these things are meant to be discussed and addressed within the family.
  • Your hate towards your work or your boss. It is not pleasant to listen to someone who complains a lot about their boss or about their job. You are only pulling down the morale of the entire team.
Topics Information, Work