“The Frontier” set an exciting trailer that will definitely bring a new gameplay experience to “Fallout: New Vegas.” Although the game doesn’t have an exact launching date, the mod-makers have been comfortable enough to set a trailer, making its fans extra thrilled and pumped.

According to the mods official website, here are the exciting features anticipated in “Fallout: New Vegas.”

Dynamic Weather and Dedicated Effects

There will be different weather that will have different effects on the characters. A warm day may be changed by subzero temperatures, mist, snow, rain and more realistic sky are geared up in the gameplay’s environment.

Exciting New Quests

The ultimate quest is to survive and fight the harsh environment, enemies, and the Scavengers. There are also side quests available. Solving puzzles, finding collectibles, and hunting are big roles in the player’s survival.

Combat and Special Effect

Different battles are available such as Boss battles, Arena, War Zone and Aerial dogfights. The game will also feature new visual effect such as animal life, crytech weapons, and special weapon effects.

The Gameplay

Frontier’s “Fallout: New Vegas” is set in Portland, Oregon. The setting is the heavy on snow with a cloud of dust that would block out the sun. This would essentially make an exciting “harsh” environment.

Apart from a new location, the game will set to create new ambiance, world space, assets, and storyline that will totally go well with the “Fallout” universe.

The Frontier has been an enormous game mod project yet the “Fallout: New Vegas” has been under anticipation for more than a year already.

Although there has still no news on “The Frontier: Fallout New Vegas” game availability, the game mod might set out soon as the overall Mod status displayed a 74 percent completion. Gamers will be able to use their existing “Fallout: New Vegas” character on their PC.

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