Balancing one's time between their career and marriage life is not an easy thing to do. Even successful business leaders face difficulties in keeping up everything in its perfect place.

Three Things Required to Stay Married

Steve Tobak reiterates that everyone needs three things in getting through inevitable rough patches and do something to make it over the long haul: a little luck, faith in something, and support from someone. Based on his experience, Tobak grew up in a messed up household - a tiny rent-controlled New York City apartment. He has been through a lot of troubles but his parents and folks stayed working in the job that they hate believing that Tobak and his brother could have a better life. That was the faith of his family, to give selflessly to him and to his brother.

Support of Family Required

Along his journey, the mean streets of the inner city became very influential to him. Despite of all the troubles his family managed to have faith in him. Due to this, he decided to find ways to pay them back and that became his faith, (what do you mean that became his faith?)as reported by CT Post.

Having A Strong Faith

At the age of 16, he left home and continued his college on the north shore of Long Island. His journey took him into a rocky and bumpy road yet he graduated. Fortunately, his girlfriend's father accompanied him to go to his high-tech star up. He then realized that his future might be driven to electronics. He had nothing to lose so he went for it. For eight years, he finished school and became an engineer. During his stay in California he met Kim, a girl from rural Wisconsin. With Kim, he shared his promise of eternal love. Married life is never easy according to Tobak. He shared that even with the smallest pathetic reason, they have arguments yet Kim's faith and support helped him to fulfill his purpose. With this, he became successful and became top executive in a high-tech industry.