T-Mobile has laid out its holiday deals starting with Black Friday treats of free Samsung Galaxy S7 upgrade, free tablets, latest in VR gadgets and other accessories. Tmo is also giving two free lines to every family of four in its pre holiday deal called Magenta Friday beginning today until Sunday only.

America's Un-carrier T-Mobile is giving its loyal subscribers the best deals for Thanksgiving. Tmo president and CEO John Legere acknowledges the extra spending that people are making for the holidays which is why Tmo is giving extra savings in return as reported in the newsroom of the Uncarrier.

New and existing subscribers will be able to save with the holiday deals that Tmo is offering. For starter, the Magenta Friday is available today, Nov. 18 and only until Sunday, Nov. 20.

Magenta Friday gives two extra lines for free to subscribers who open two lines under One Plan. This means that subscribers will be paying as low as $30 dollars for every line, which is way below existing charges. Current subscribers can also take advantage of the Magenta Friday deal without switching to Tmo One from Simple Choice.

Black Friday deals starts on Nov. 24 to 27 with several good deals to choose from. Subscribers can have a free Samsung Galaxy S7 upgrade after paying for 24 months and only when trading in a Galaxy S6, Galaxy Note 5 or any other device according to Android Police. However, when subscription is pre-terminated, the subscriber still needs to pay the remaining balance in full.

Other Black Friday deals in T-Mobile include free accessories when you obtain a Samsung Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 edge, not excluding the free one in the Magenta Friday deal. These accessories include a free gear VR and a $50 dollars Oculus app store gift certificate

The Samsung Tab E or the LG Gpad X are also free with the Tmo ONE tablet plan after paying for 24 months. You only need to pay the sales tax.

T-Mobile Black Friday discounts are also available for other accessories like the UE BOOM 2 for only $129.99 dollars, slashing $70 dollars from the original price. The LG Tone Pro 760 Bluetooth headset is only $39.99 dollars, lesser by $30 dollars.

Last but not the least, the morphine Powerstation mini is only $9.99 dollars, slashing $50 dollars for a full 80 percent discount. Check out T-Mobile's Magenta Friday deals now for a limted period only.

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