Director Sam Raimi finally gives light as to why there has been no progress in The Last of Us, the movie version of the hit videogame of the same name. It turns out screenwriter Neil Druckmann went to Sony for distribution rights and they don't have the same plans as to which direction the movie should take. This made the movie get stuck in development hell for some time.

Raimi adds Druckmann sold his rights to Sony and even if Sony hired him as a producer, he can't really do anything about it. Raimi basically confirmed the fears of the video game's fans by saying production has stalled and there is no timetable when it will resume. He can't confirm which direction Sony and Neil wanted to go for the movie though.

Fans certainly cheered for Raimi when he hopped on board as producer since he is the same person who directed the first 3 Spider Man movies and the Evil Dead trilogy. He also said he can't tell what Neil and Sony will decide on but he would be glad to help them when they finally get back on track.

There hasn't been any work done on the movie for the past 18 months as it went to "development hell" which is a term for movies that got stuck in a production stand still. The last good news about it was Druckmann already had a second draft for it and a table read was scheduled to take place. He also directed the video game which the movie is based on.

Fans are hoping Sony and Druckmann have not lost interested in continuing production for the movie but only time will tell if it still continues. Raimi did confirm that he is still attached to the movie as a producer but he does not know what that means.