"Metal Gear" franchise creator and veteran game designer Hideo Kojima will be a special guest at RTX Sydney in 2017. The event details are also revealed and it is expected that 20,000 attendees will be there.

Hideo Kojima attends event as guest

According to the official website of Roster Teeth, they are honored that Hideo Kojima will be joining the RTX Sydney that will be held on Feb. 4 to 5. They said that those who have not purchased their tickets will be encouraged to buy one now due to this exciting news.

The production company revealed that it has been about 10 years since Kojima's visit to Australia, which is why they are honored that he chose the event to return to the country. Kojima will be taking part in a discussion, which will be moderated by Greg Miller from Kinda Funny. He will discuss about developing games and his stories and history as one of the best innovators of the gaming industry.

Roster Teeth said that fans of the "Metal Gear" franchise and those who take in any news from him will be in for a treat. They cannot wait to hear what he has to say and talk about his future projects in the gaming industry.

What is RTX Sydney

According to the official website of RTX Sydney, this is a two day gaming and internet culture event. This will be hosted by Roster Teeth and fans will be able to see the greatest new games, learn about the gaming industry, and meet the fans around the world. The event will be held at the new International Convention Center at Darling Harbor and it is expected that close to 20,000 attendees will be there in 2017.

Win an exclusive invite

The event is holding a contest where those who bought tickets before Nov. 20 will get the chance to win an exclusive invite to an industry event. This will get them the chance to meet special guests including Hideo Kojima.

Check out the Hideo Kojima Presents: Death Stranding Presentation video below: