DC's Green Hornet is going to return to the big screen with a brand new cast and director. "The Accountant" director Gavin O'Connor is slated to take on the latest adaptation of the comic book hero.

O'Connor's last movie crime drama "The Accountant" starring Ben Affleck and J.K. Simmons became a box office hit and grossed $24.7M in its debut and a total of $112.5M so far.

O'Connor revealed he wants to make the Green Hornet ever since he decided to make movies. "As a kid, when all the kids were into Batman or Superman, there was only one Superhero who held my interest: The Green Hornet." O'Connor adds he thought the Green Hornet is such a badass superhero because he didn't have any superpowers and didn't wear any clown costume. Like Robin Hood, he is a criminal in the eyes of the law and the criminal world which explains the similarities of the costumers of the two superheroes.

The last attempt of a big screen Green Hornet adaptation happened 5 years ago starring Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christopher Waltz and Cameron Diaz and Michel Gondry being the man calling all the shots. It received mixed reviews from critics as one critic went as far as to say everything about it was disappointing. Others said it was barely above average but it had more positive reviews from fans of the two big Hollywood stars, Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz.

Rogen was also an Executive Producer and Screenwriter for that movie so it shows how big of a fan he is of the Green Hornet. The Green Hornet actually started in the radio during the 1930s then went to the small screen in a 1960s TV show with Bruce Lee co-starring as the sidekick of Britt Reid, the man behind the mask of the Green Hornet.