The third installment for the popular Sega game franchise "7th Dragon III Code: VFD" will be released on December 2 in Europe. It will be available in digital and physical releases and it will come with a bonus art book.

Its publisher, Deep Silver, will also releasing its popular Altus game "Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse" in Europe on the same date as the "7th Dragon III Code: VFD."

"7th Dragon III Code: VFD" is set in the year 2100, where the world has become a desolate place as dragons have wreak havoc upon humanity. The main protagonist must build a team to save the universe from the darkness and destruction. The main character will team up with video gaming company Nodens Enterprise, which will let the protagonist travel through time to make a ripple effect that will adversely affect the power of the mighty dragons.

This is a game that will keep fans at the edge of their seats with an engaging story, amazing setting, exciting time periods, a challenging party system, and rich character customization option. But the best feature of the game is, of course, the many dragons that it has.

Besides these popular games, other Nintendo Downloads in Europe for this week includes the Wii U Download Aqua TV, which is priced at £3.99, Nintendo Everything reported. For the Wii U DLC, fans can now download Aqua TV's Oceanus, Thetis, and Poseidon, each for £1.99.

For the 3DS Download, fans can now download the Lionel City Builder 3D: Rise of the Rails for £4.49, Nintendo Insider reported.

There will also be eShop sales that fans can enjoy for the week. For the Wii U, fans can buy Ascent of Kings for only £1.10, Jones on Fire for only £0.87, Queen's Garden for £4.12, Nano Assault for £6.74, Totem Topple for £2.25.

For the 3DS, fans can avail My Zoo Vet for £13.49, Aqua Moto Racing 3D for £5.39, Alien on the run £3.14, Crazy Construction for £3.74, Murder on the Titanic for £4.79, and Safari Quest for £3.99.

One Permanent price drop is for the Wii U Defense Dome, which is not £1.79, originally £2.29.

Topics Nintendo