At the University of Nebraska (NU), high-ranking administrators and athletic department coaches receive cars and country club membership on top of their salary, the Omaha World-Herald reported.

The perks are seemingly all paid for through private funds and donations, but as many as 94 NU employees received their choice of a membership to a gym or country club, or a car, or both. The cars alone, according to data obtained by the World-Herald, are valued at $2.25 million.

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Watchdog group Common Cause Nebraska regularly requests such lists from the school to ensure the public knows more about the incentive program. In essence, so people may know where millions of privately funded dollars are going.

The University of Nebraska Foundation takes credit for funding the incentives. Within the foundation, officials said the perks program comes from the athletic discretionary fund, various alumni support organizations and car dealerships associated with NU's Lincoln and Omaha campuses.

"When you begin to see more and more private money going to public officials, where do the loyalties lie?" Jack Gould, Common Cause Nebraska's issues chairman, said. "The public needs to know how this money is being used."

Hal Daub, an NU Regent, said he respects Common Cause's perspective, but added the perks have been valuable and are kept under close watch.

"I think we do a pretty good job now of casting a critical eye on useful ways to attract and retain good people while using money that is not devoted to scholarships," said Daub.

The membership perk applies to either a health club from $50 to $60 a month or a country club that includes initial fees around $15,000 plus a monthly charge of a couple hundred dollars. The total of the bonuses range in price from around $7,000 to just more than $70,000.

Bo Pelini, NU head football coach, has the highest salary, at nearly $3 million with an incentive package worth about $36,000. But that is not all, his wife has also received a car from the school as part of the incentive program, seemingly the only spouse on the list.