Eric Ringer is one of the founders of the Strategic Projects Engineer of Skyward, a startup in the drone industry. The main focus of the company is to build operations software for private drone operators. Aside from being the company's co-founder, Ringer also wears many hats. That as a drone photographer, R&D engineer, product manager, and a flight operations specialist. With all those jobs at hand, it looks like Ringer would cave in with the pressure and responsibilities. However, he manages to balance his work life effectively and here's how:

Take time off

Coming from a man who seems to have a lot in his hands, taking time off seems an alien idea. In spite of that, Ringer said that he and his wife take a Sabbath day every weekend. He said it gives him and his wife time for each other but most of all, it is good for emotional and spiritual health.

He also added that having an alone time every day before starting everything is also important. Psychologists say that having an alone time allows a person's mind to reboot and unwind, which are essential for new ideas to come in.


Scheduling tasks are also important, Ringer said. For example, he schedules and tells family, friends, and co-workers when he is available for that certain role. Scheduling also allow a person to focus and take out the unnecessary. It helps to make a person more productive. Moreover, it also teaches people about the boundaries they have set for themselves.


With unplug, Ringer means unplugging from your work life and do other things apart from work. He added that unplugging can be as simple as watching your favorite movies which, in his case, is Netflix. He said that startup life can be very demanding and stressful. If you don't know how to unplug, it will wear you down. Pursuing other things in life is like diversifying your success, he said.

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