In an email obtained in full by Total Frat Move, an active member of Georgia Tech's Phi Kappa Tau chapter advises his fellow members on how to seduce a woman under the influence of alcohol.

CLICK HERE to read the email in full.

According to WSB-TV Atlanta, the university is investigating the email, titled "Luring Your Rapebait." The email is a guide to getting laid, encouraging "bros" to talk to women together, start conversations, encourage alcohol consumption and "escalating" to dancing and sleeping together.

The email also provides its own failsafe option: "If anything ever fails, go get more alcohol."

The email also said any member who is seen standing alone or in a group of guys, negligent of the presence of women, would be thrown out. The sender listed "7 E's of HOOKING UP! (writer's emphasis.) The list started with "encounter," "engage," "escalate," then continued with male arousal and ended with "expunge: send them out of your room and on their way out when you are finished."

The CEO of Phi Kappa Tau issued a statement condemning the sender of the email and the fraternity chapter for condoning such behavior, even though the school's chapter leadership confirmed the member had been suspended.

"The referenced email is extremely inappropriate and does not reflect the values of the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity," the statement read. "The written expression of this thinking by a member is disturbing to everyone associated with Alpha Rho chapter and the fraternity."

Many students were outraged and disgusted by the email's language, and the school echoed that concern in a statement of their own.

"[The] Office of Student Integrity is currently engaged in an investigation to determine the facts," the statement said. "Phi Kappa Tau's national office, as well as Tech's student-led Interfraternity Council, are also reviewing the matter to determine whether to take any independent action. The Institute does not condone this type of behavior and continues to provide resources and education designed to create a supportive campus environment for all students, even those who exercise extremely poor judgment."