"Green Arrow," "The Flash" and "Legend of Tomorrow" will be joined together for a crossover, and they are in to face a threat from the invading alien Dominators in the Invasion. The Arrowverse Universe will be challenged again by this major menace, as the Team Flash will face this enemy from the outer space. Danielle Panabaker, who plays the character Caitlyn Snow, said that her character and Team Flash is fearing the quantity of the enemy's power and their unknown identity.

She said that her team was so used to dealing with metahuman antagonists who possess the power from the explosions of particle accelerator or even Doctor Alchemy's formulas, but they are not yet sure about those villains whose origins are questionable and how they are going to be counterattacked.

Marc Guggenheim, Executive Producer of the series stated that this crossover will be truly faithful to what the original 1980s DC comic mini-series Invasion is all about. This is a mini-series that deals with the gene-manipulating Dominators who came together for their invasion of Earth, thus eliminating the threats that were initiated by metahumans. It was later figured out by Martian Manhunter, along with a group of heroes, has found out that the Dominators intended to control the metahumans instead of killing them, according to Comic Book.

The Dominators have not crossed the awareness of other alien alliance, and they exist to retrieve the metagene in order to create their own metahuman fighters. The Dominators' plan during the crossover was not yet revealed, and Arrowverse is for sure dominated by metahumans such as Caitlyn Snow who is also facing a difficult personal situation, according to CBR.

The Arrowverse crossover will be premiering on Nov. 29 on CW, while "The Flash" will continue on Nov. 30 on "Arrow," and on Dec. 1 on DC's "Legends of Tomorrow."

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