"The Lego Batman" movie has been teased since March of this year, which is a spin-off film from the 2014 film titled "The LEGO Movie." Apparently, the latest trailer highlights some details regarding the identity of Bruce Wayne outside his doppelganger known as the Cloaked Avenger.

As seen on the movie's official trailer on YouTube, it also shows a humorous scene on his adopted family -Robin, Batgirl and Albert. It seems like the upcoming The "Lego Batman Movie" will feature Batman stories using the attractive Lego characters. The latest trailer focuses mainly on Batman's primary non-existent bond with Robin.

Based on the video footage, Robin is seen as a stubborn and nosy teenager who entered bat cave and instantly attached. However, for the exciting part is that Robin wears his radiantly tinted hero costume and tears apart his pants. He is seen wearing a speedo like bottom. It was said that Batman's serious persona with all black costumes always clashes with the high-spirited and pant less Robin. In addition, Robin's constant eagerness annoys and disconcerts Batman.

Meanwhile, fans also witness Barbara Gordon's appearance which plays the dual role as Bat Girl and Commissioner Gordon which role is played by her father named James Gordon. As previously based on several previous Batman movies, Joker is always there being the main antagonist. Currently, Joker is still the main villain of this upcoming movie. However, he just broke into tears when Batman said that Superman is his true rival. It has been reported that it was inspired on the clever clip on "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice".

On the other hand, it seems like numerous super hero movies are slated to arrive next year. With that number increasing, it is expected that people might need to have a Super Hero movie that is full of irony for a little bit of entertainment. The main cast of the upcoming film has been named which includes, Will Arnett as Batman, Zach Galifianakis as The Joker, Michael Cera as Robin, Rosario Dawn as Barbara Gordon or Bat girl and Ralph Fiennas as Alred Pennyworth.

The "LEGO Batman Movie" is scheduled for release on theaters on Feb. 10, 2017.

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