Medical marijuana is slowly becoming a popular alternative for treating pain with a growing number of patients claiming it had helped them. There are also those active in the world of sports that support its use as replacements to pain killers.

In a Sporting News report, some former NFL players are shown to favor cannabis or medical marijuana use for pain management over mainstream pain killers. In one ESPN survey of NFL players, it found a surprising result, knowing that NFL continues its stand against the use of medical marijuana.

The survey shows that out of 226 NFL players, nearly three-quarters came out to be in favor of the legalization of marijuana throughout the country. The survey was posted on with the headline "Cannabis Confidential".

According to The New York Times, NFL players are calling out on the league to allow the use of marijuana only for sport's pains. Kyle Turkey and Ricky Williams, both retired football players promoted the benefits of marijuana.

Eugene Monroe, former Ravens lineman is one of those advocating the legalization of marijuana in the league.

"Its's not even about bashing the current practices, but we know that there's a better way, that there's a healthier way," Monroe told Sporting News. "It's hard to be a member of a league where I and all the other athletes sacrifice so much, especially our bodies, and currently, the solution for our problems is being prescribed various pain pills, which have a highly addictive nature and damaging effects."

Most states have allowed the use of marijuana for medical purposes under certain conditions, CBS News reported. Just recently, Pennsylvania became the latest state to approve and legalize the use of medical marijuana.

Still, NFL stands firmly against marijuana use. Their medical advisors are continuously seeking for enough evidence that could soften the league's stand on medical marijuana.