After hearing SpaceX founder Elon Musk state his intention to bring human life to Mars, United States President Obama vows to help him send people to Mars in the next fifteen years.

During a sit down with CNN, Obama mentions that he has a clear goal for America's story in space. He explains that sending people to Mars by 2030 and then returning them home safely to Earth is going to be a reality. It also includes the ultimate ambition to create a habitat on Mars for an extended stay.

And just because he is leaving the presidential office in a few months time, that does not mean he is not going to support the mission to Mars, cites Interesting Engineering. When asked in detail about how he plans on doing that, he has not revealed any names on who will lead the project. But he did comment that the country's leading scientists and engineers are going to come together to discuss the plan.

But he knows it will take time, patience and education to get there. The ambition to head to Mars started after SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced his plan to make sure humans get to Mars in the next decade. SpaceX is already partnering with NASA and other tech organizations in order to make create several projects towards this cause.

When it comes to funding, Obama did not mention the cost or if the country has plans on paying for this mission. NASA, however, has announced that they are already entering a practical stage where they plan on presenting the various technologies over the next decade. These technologies could be essential in order to send humans to Mars. Obama is no stranger to astronomy and space travel. He hopes to see this dream become a reality soon.

Elon Musk and NASA is already working on it, but time will tell if others are joining the cause.