"The Flash" Season 3 started strong. A lot of questions were answered but a lot of changes also happened because of "Flashpoint" - the alternative timeline Barry created.

In that timeline, Wally West is "The Flash" and Barry is living the life of his dreams. Of course, Barry kept "The Reverse Flash" in captivity. Long story short, Barry decided to go back to his original timeline, but because he's been gone for quite a while, he made some irreversible changes to this timeline as well.

Enter Jesse Wells who's also a speedster and is now known as Jesse Quick. There's also some indication that Wally West can become a speedster again in this timeline. If that will happen, there are three speedsters and of course, "The Flash" Season 3 will also feature villains who are also speedsters - Black Flash and Reverse Flash.

With all of these speedsters running around in "The Flash" Season 3, is it possible that there's going to be an epic battle between speedsters? Could these be the biggest storyline this season? Maybe Cisco will come up with the perfect name for this epic battle if it will happen in the future.

Aside from that, "The Flash" team is getting bigger by the minute, Forbes reported. Caitlyn is still coming into terms with her power and when that happened, all the members of the team are metahumans. Are they preparing for the possible crossover episode with "Arrow" 100th episode? Is it possible that Dr. Alchemy is going to assemble his own army of metahumans from Flashpoint?

Mirror Master

"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 4 will introduce a new villain in town, Mirror Master. There are also rumor that Captain Cold is actually alive, which is probably another adverse effect of "Flashpoint."