Apple has just released its latest OS, the iOS 10. Pangu and other iOS hacking team are working on a Jailbreak version but have yet to produce a stable one.

Apple Winning Against Jailbreakers?

Pangu and other iOS hackers have been consistently producing jailbreak version of Apple's iOS. Lately, however, Apple seems to be gaining the upper hand against the Jailbreak makers. Pangu did manage to show a jailbreak version of an iOS 10 beta version during the MOSEC conference more than three months ago. A video of the iOS 10 jailbreak demo could be watched here.

However, that demo was more than three months ago, and it seems that Apple's final version of the iOS 10 is a tougher nut to crack for Pangu and other iOS hackers. So far, the latest and stable iOS jailbreak version Pangu has is the iOS 9.2 and 9.3.3 (64 Bit). Those who want to see the check if an iOS 10 jailbreak is already available can check the Pangu site.

iOS 10 Users Can No Longer Downgrade

Apple has also taken steps to make sure that its iOS users will not have a chance to use the jailbreak versions. In theory, iOS 10 user can downgrade to a version that could be jailbroken; however, that is no longer the case since Apple has disabled that option.

Luca Todesco is famous for showing off his expertise in jailbreaking iOS devices; however, he is also well known for not sharing his exploits to the public. His latest video demo showed a supposed iPAd Air 2 or iPad Pro running a jailbreak 10 or 10.0.1 version.

Unfortunately, Todesco's iOS 10 jailbreak demo could not be verified since he does not share any of his iOS exploits to the public. This often annoys many iOS 10 users who want to jailbreak their Apple devices. They have no choice but to wait for Pangu or other hacking group to provide a working iOS 10 jailbreak version.