The NCAA has resembled the NBA with players transferring schools too often, so Duke Blue Devils coach Mike Krzyzewski suggested to fix it by stopping it altogether.

"Coach K" told ESPN the NCAA needs to be consistent with who it allows to transfer and why. The typical rule for a student athlete to transfer schools, in essence, is the player can leave his school for another, but must sit out an athletic season upon arriving at the new school.

Krzyzewski said this is bypassed too often and should be enforced to cut down on the amount of transfers going on.

"There should be no exceptions," Krzyzewski told "Everybody should have to sit out, that includes a fifth-year player, just to make it equal. I think it's a farce, really."

The revered Blue Devils coach said he would prefer to see the NCAA allow little to any transfers whatsoever, but that it should at least be consistent in its policy.

This offseason alone, multiple players were either allowed or denied the chance to transfer for unequal reasons. Rakeem Buckles had torn his ACL twice in three years at Louisville and wanted to follow Richard Pitino to Florida International University (FIU). He did so and had to sit out for the season due to the transfer. However, with FIU being ruled ineligible from a potential NCAA tournament appearance (which had nothing to do with Pitino), the coach left for the Minnesota head coaching job, Buckles in tow. The NCAA denied his appeal to play immediately.

"I'm just blown away by it," Louisville head coach Rick Pitino (Richard's father) told ESPN. "It makes no sense. It's amazing the NCAA can do this. He's a model student-athlete who had a 3.2 GPA when he left Louisville. He just wants a chance to play in another NCAA tournament."

Normally, the NCAA allows students to transfer without penalty when their school is locked out of a postseason appearance, and not just in basketball. After the Penn State scandal, at least a dozen players transferred off the football team and were allowed to play immediately elsewhere.

In another instance, Michael Dixon left Missouri following a sexual assault accusation and was allowed to play at Memphis immediately. Following the penalties against UConn, Alex Oriakhi was allowed to transfer to Missouri. In the same case as Buckles, another FIU player was allowed to transfer to Minnesota and to play immediately.

The NCAA also makes judgment decisions based on personal issues of its players. The NCAA allowed to Kerwin Okoro to transfer from Iowa State to Rutgers and to play immediately so he could be closer to his New York City family following two deaths in three months.

"Giving certain kids the right to play and others not the right to play, it should be done the same," Krzyzewski said. "If they want to let everybody play right away, then let everybody play right away. Everybody should be treated the same. I don't understand why there are exceptions to this rule."