Thousands of University of Delaware (UD) took to the streets of Newark, Del., causing police from numerous departments to stop the "madness," seemingly because the YouTube party documentarians "I'm Shmacked" were in town, the UD Review reported.

The scene was chaotic and, because it what they were aiming to do, well documented. Several videos and photos show students stomping on cars, climbing onto buildings and the heavy police presence.

"What happened was, there were so many people. People were drunk. They had the courage to just go do whatever they wanted," UD junior Jonathan Teed told the Review. "They took to the streets, and basically a parade happened. They were jumping on cars, there was people walking through cops, holding up traffic, running on top of cars - probably the craziest experience I've ever seen."

According to a news release, about 75 officers from other departments including the UD police, New Castle County and Delaware State police aided Newark police.

In one photo, posted by a Twitter user from UD, a car appears to be set on fire. The Newark police said in the release there was no report of an engulfed car.

The party seemed to have originated in one certain house with a DJ table set up in the backyard. Police said there were several people urinating in public, trespassing on other house's property and spilling out onto the street. Police said a "mob" had formed on South College Avenue that was blocking traffic and walking on cars. The house's residents were arrested for hosting a disorderly premise and at two UD students were also arrested for underage consumption of alcohol.

The police could not make an estimate of property damage done during the "party," but said such instances included car damage, knocked over trash cans and vandalized signs. More charges may follow, as the investigation is ongoing.

"We've had riots before, nothing that bad before, ever," I'm Shmacked founder Arya Toufania told the New York Daily News. "I've never seen anything that extreme."

UD spokesperson Andrea Boyle Tippett issued a statement to the Huffington Post.

"The University of Delaware is committed to the safety of its students and the community," the statement said. "UD Police are cooperating with the Newark Police Department in its ongoing investigation of the Sept. 9 incident on South College Avenue. Two UD students arrested and charged by Newark Police will be referred to the University's Office of Student Conduct."