Arizona State University (ASU) is looking to make an aggressive leap on everyone's party school list, but the students have not been going about it the right way.

An alcohol prevention task force, commissioned by the Tempe Police, made a total of 1,367 arrests over the first three weekends of the new semester, the Phoenix New Times reported.

The first weekend before classes started yielded 371 arrests, the next weekend saw 486 arrests and in the following weekend, 510 were arrested. Of the 1,367 arrests, 381 were for consumption of alcohol by a minor and 125 were for possession by a minor.

Receiving help from seven other departments, the Tempe Police's "Safe and Sober" campaign registered 309 DUI arrests. While not all of the 1,367 arrests were of students, a vast majority was.

The alcohol consumption task force was conceived before the school year began, the State Press reported last month. It is a good thing Operation Safe and Sober was implemented, because all of their efforts were surely exhausted.

"For the first couple months of the school year, it seems like our calls for service go up," Tempe Police Sgt. Mike Pooley told the Press. "So we feel this operation, Safe and Sober, is going to be able to go out... and we're going to really try and attack these trends."

ASU has had notoriety for taking college partying too far before. The school banned their Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity chapter from campus following the death of a pledge. Rolling Stone magazine labeled the frat the "most out-of-control" fraternity chapter in the country.

According to the New Times, it was not clear if Kiernan Bates was among those arrested. Bates was previously arrested about a week ago in the investigation into a 19-year-old ASU student, reportedly from the Sigma Pi Epsilon frat, who was brutally beaten nearly to death in a student apartment complex.

Bates, of Pi Kappa Alpha, was arrested along with two other members for aggravated assault and unlawful imprisonment, Fox Phoenix reported. The students arrested had reportedly been drinking and apparently beat the student up because he was from a rival fraternity.

(This article was edited to fix an inaccuracy regarding the two seperate incidents involving the fraternity of the victim of being beaten nearly to death and regarding the death of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge).