Jurassic Park was wrong in its portrayal of dinosaurs. No, it doesn't have something to do with the T-Rex not being a carnivore. Scientists from the University of Texas have made a recent discovery that dinosaurs did not produce bird-like sounds but they honked.

This discovery came after paleontologists discovered the oldest example of a voice-box believed to belong to an ancient bird which eventually evolved into a dinosaur. Scientists date it to be 66 million years old, most probably from the Mesozoic period.

The fossils, according to the scientists, belong to a non-avian species of dinosaurs that did not have a syrinx; thus, it is a big possibility that instead of twittering like birds, they produced a low parp or honking sound, most probably like the sound made by crocodiles. Based on the fossils found, the scientists also said that the syrinx could have been developed in the later species of dinosaurs.

Those who have watched the film "Jurassic Park," will remember that most dinosaurs in that film made trilling noises like birds. These fossils, however, suggest that they sound more like crocodiles.

Scientists believe that birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs often referring to them as living dinosaurs. Thus, the discovery gave them insight on how birds evolved.

Dr Julia Clarke, a paleontologist at The University of Texas at Austin Jackson School of Geosciences said that "this finding helps explain why no such organ has been preserved in a non-bird dinosaur or crocodile relative." Dr. Clarke was the scientist who first discovered the fossil syrinx which led to the research.

The research also concluded that dinosaurs could have made close-mouthed sounds that do not require a syrinx. Aside from the sounds, it also gives insight to the brain development of dinosaurs as well as other anatomical features. As Clarke said, the evolution of birds goes beyond just flight and feathers.

Topics Dinosaur