Colleges and universities are now urged to make greater strides in spotting talents from disadvantaged students. On top of this, there is also a bigger emphasis on encouraging Caucasian working-class men to gain or widen their access to higher education.

According to a report by British Universities, the socio-economic disadvantage has more impact on access to and outcomes from higher education - which means education from colleges and universities.

Universities UK, cites the Guardian, encourages all universities to come forward with information and data for better analysis. This is so everyone can share best practices between each university.

It appears that there is still work to be done to improve social mobility. Nicola Dandridge, the chief executive of Universities UK, says that all the universities are committed to promoting social mobility. However, they all need constant evaluation and focus to guide students better. With the support and partnership of schools, business, employers and with the government, too.

There is still gaps when it comes to higher education. Those who wish to gain access to it, are unable to. In the study, they found that there are kids coming from the advantaged groups who are likely to attend top institutions, six times more, compared to those at a disadvantaged point.

And looking at diversity, there is still a gap in the proportion between Caucasian graduates from the minority or ethnic groups. In addition to this, there is also evidence that suggests that everyone should focus on access for Caucasian working-class men. The rates coming from Caucasian working class women were just a little better.

"But there is still much work to do. Too many talented people are still missing out on the life-changing benefits of higher education," says Les Ebdon, a government director.

Although schools now are showing good results, there is still, according to Ebdon above, more work to do. Disadvantaged young people are benefiting from top universities, but there are still more who can benefit from it. And they are out there.