Muhammad Rashid, a University of West Florida (UWF) engineering professor, has won the 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award from the Industry Application Society. The society is considered to be one of the largest associations of the international Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Along with a memento, Rashid will also be given a cash prize of $5,000 during the Presidents Banquet at the IAS annual meeting, held Oct. 6-11 in Orlando.

Rashid, a lecturer at UWF's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is a Life Fellow of the institute. The award is conferred on individuals for their commitment to the application of electricity to industry.

Rashid is also credited for advising two student teams that were ranked first and second in the Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest, an international competition sponsored by the Industry Application Society.

His other accolades include 1991 Outstanding Engineer Award, the 2002 Educational Activity Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education and the 2008 Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Rashid is also a distinguished lecturer for the institute's Education Society and a regional speaker for the IAS.

The University of West Florida, established in 1963, mainly specializes in engineering and the humanities. UWF is considered to be the third largest campus in the State University System and its library is the largest in the Northwest Florida area.

UWF is spread on 1,600 acres (6.5 km2), and is bordered by two rivers and Escambia Bay. The university's mascot is an Argonaut and the school's logo is the Chambered Nautilus.