The U.S. Department of Education (ED) and its Office of Civil Rights (OCR) have opened another Title IX investigation at an American college, the Huffington Post reported.

The investigation was revealed late last week at Cedarville University, a Christian institution in southwest Ohio. The complaint claims the school lacked a Title IX coordinator, but the school said it does not know who the complainant is.

Title IX, a federal gender equality law, requires colleges to arbitrate and report sexual harassment and violence on campus, as well as provide assistance to the victim.

The OCR is also investigating whether or not Cedarville has lived up to this standard. The office is reviewing "whether the University failed to adopt and publish grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging sex discrimination," David Thomas, ED spokesman, told the Huffington Post Monday.

The anonymous complainant first came forward through the Ventriloquist, an independent student-run publication. The only known part of the complainant's identity is the person is a Cedarville alum, according to the article.

"The complaint that was communicated to me by the Office for Civil Rights is one that will be taken seriously by the University community," university president Dr. Thomas White said in a statement. "We will review the issues to make sure Cedarville University is in compliance and that our campus is a place where everyone feels they can have related concerns appropriately addressed."

Cedarville has hired Title IX expert Gina Maisto Smith, a Philadelphia-based attorney, to assist in responding to the investigation. Smith has previously been hired by the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Occidental College, Amherst College and others.

"The university began an internal investigation of my assault this year, but at that time, I was never informed that Lisa Todd is a Title IX coordinator, nor did she identify herself that way to me," the anonymous complainant told The Ventriloquist. "I was never informed of the university's reporting policies and processes."