Kano, North-West Nigera currently holds a UNESCO Federal Government supported literacy class. This is in line with the "Revitilising Adult and Youth Literacy in Nigeria" program.

Further studies show that the adult learning and education program showed improvement. Over all, it can improve the health and well-being of adults. At the same time, it develops local communities.

The United Nations Culture and Education Agency reports that policy makers should see the benefits. "Policy-makers will find high quality evidence to support policies, strategies and budget," says Irina Bokova, the Director General of the UNESCO.

She adds that stakeholders will find that these adult learning programs help promote healthier communities, sustainable development in their societies and generate better employment. In addition, those who benefit from the program become active members of society.

UNESCO's Institute for Life Long Learning created GRALE III (the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education). The report looks at 139 countries that responded to the GRALE III survey. In summary, the report stemming from the adult learning programs has made progress when it comes to adult education development, governance, quality and finance. Out of these countries, 124 considers ALE to be good for the health.

The report further details that there is a major improvement to their own ALEs. But UNESCO and these countries still have a long way to go and further data is needed. One of the biggest challenges being faced in these programs is gender gaps. In some countries, women do not have the same level of participation because of equality access.

Generating these kind of programs is essential to improve literacy rate. In the study, it is also found that improvement stemming from literacy programs develops values that are considered democratic, peaceful and solid.

Ultimately, adult learning and education helps improve and empower counties with disadvantaged communities. It improves social links, communication skills and more.

Want to know more about UNESCO's works on education? Check out the video below:

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