Police investigating a report of a disabled woman being sexually assaulted on Howard University's campus, WJLA reported.

The incident occurred Monday morning around eight a.m. near the School of Business on 6th Street Northwest. Sources said the perpetrator approached the woman from behind, forced her into a classroom and raped her.

Sources also said the victim is a woman with a learning disability who was attending a program on campus not affiliated with Howard.

"Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) with support from the Department of Public Safety are investigating a report of a sexual assault involving a female in a non-University sponsored program," Howard University said in a statement. "The investigation into this troubling incident is ongoing and it is premature to provide additional details at this time."

The suspect has not been identified, but was described as a slim black man about six feet tall with a dark complexion between the ages of 18 and 20. The assailant was last seen in a white t-shirt and black and white shorts.

Various women told NBC Washington D.C. they were baffled and upset about the crime, especially given the time of day.

"I think that's terrible. I was here at eight in the morning yesterday, and I can't imagine that happening," one woman said.

According to NBC's report, the suspect was not a student at Howard but was also a member of the same program as the victim. The name of the program has not been revealed and further details were not disclosed in protection of the victim's identity.

"It's very scary," another woman said. "I work here every day. Just to know something can happen to me is shocking."

Anyone with information or tips on the incident or on the suspect's identity should call the police at 202-727-9099. Anonymous tips can be delivered as well by text messaging 50411. The MPD have also set a $1,000 reward for anyone who provides information that leads to the suspect(s)' arrest and conviction for this offense.