A fresh update was released by Niantic Labs, the creators of "Pokémon Go". The new feature added involves appraisal of Pokémon. This indicates the individual value and hidden strength of the Pokémon. Here's how it works.

The overall chances of winning is increased by knowing the Individual Value (IV) of the Pokémon. Also, the major stats such as defense, attack and health points (HP) matters in ensuring the victory in gym battles. The newly added appraise feature is a great tool in knowing the individual values as well as the stats of the Pokémon.

The appraise feature allows gamers to determine which of the Pokémon is worht leveling based on the analysis given by each team leaders. It also helps in knowing which stat the Pokémon excelled. The hidden attributes were the core of the game. Also, Niantic noted that they are still working on some more exciting features that would come to "Pokémon Go" in the future, IGN reported.

There are phrases that the gym leaders say about the Pokémon being appraised. Each team has a different way of saying how strong of how weak the Pokémon is. The interpretation of the phrases was uploaded to Reddit.

For Team Mystic, if the gym leader says that the Pokémon being appraised is a "wonder" it means that the IV of that Pokémon ranges from 80%-100%. When she says that it caught her attention, it means the IV ranges from 67%-79%. When it is "above average" it is from 51% to 66%. Otherwise, the Pokémon has IV below 50%.

For Team Valor, the gym leader says that the Pokémon "amazes" her when it has IV of 80%-100%. A "strong" Pokémon has 67%-79% while a "decent" Pokémon is around 51%-66%. When she says, however that the Pokémon may not be great in battle, its IV is below 50%.

For Team Instinct, the gym leader says that a Pokémon "can battle with the best of them" when it has an IV of 80%-100%. When he says it is "pretty strong", the IV is67%-79% while saying that the Pokémon is "pretty decent" means it has an IV of 51%-66%. Otherwise, the Pokémon has IV below 50%.

The IV of the Pokémon is a hidden stat that needs to be considered aside from its CP.