Fans of the Manga and Anime series "Tokyo Ghoul" are still waiting for the third season of the franchise. The latest update of the season three includes the death of the main protagonist, Kaneki Ken. However, his heart will be preserved and frozen.

Rumors has it that in "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3, Kaneki Ken will live a new life, fall in love and get married. However, the fight between Kaneki Ken and Kishou Arima is still in queue. The season three will conlcude their fight and will also lead to the main protagonist's death. However, his heart will be saved and frozen for preservation. The season will also bring lots of fights and brawls, according to YIBADA.

Another set of speculations and rumors were based on the Manga version of "Tokyo Ghoul". The recent issues of the Manga series involves Ken Kaneki gaining a title which is called the "King of Ghouls". He might also be known as the "One-Eyed King". This would happen shortly after Kaneki Ken defeats Kishou Arima, ASZ News reported.

It is also speculated that the series might take it to the "Tokyo Ghoul: re" series. This plot would feature an investigator character named Haise Sasaki, which turns out to be Ken Kaneki. The investigator and his team would be a group of experimented individuals that gained ghoul abilities and are tasked to hunt down more dangerous ghouls.

A character in the form of Professor Kanou will also be introduced. Kanou will be Ken Kaneki's ally in defeating villains that will be seen in the new season.

Although there is no official announcement on the details of the future release, it is expected that the series will air sometime in 2017.

Meanwhile, fans of the "Tokyo Ghoul" series are getting excited about the live-action adaptaion of the anime. The live action film is set to be released in the big screens on the summer of 2017.