In "Pokémon Go's" latest update, game developer Niantic boosted the role of Spark, as well as Candela and Blanche - who are the principal players of Team Valor, Team Instinct and Team Mystic.

The team leaders previously did not provide the players of the augmented reality game with any assistance at all, as these leaders only served as the faces of the groups that Pokemon players can choose to join once they reach level 5 and obtain the ability to exchange blows with gym battles.

In the blog post for the latest "Pokémon Go" update, which Android takes version 0.35.0 and 1.5.0 version for iOS, it made known that Candela, along with Blanche and Spark will now have a huge part in the Pokemon game, according to Tech Times.

But, the Pokémon Appraisal feature is the main addition to the mobile game with the update. In which, it lets trainers learn about the attack and defense abilities of their Pokémon from the team leader that they chose to join.

Pokemon players will also be recommended by team leaders on which of their Pokémon have the best abilities in battle situations.

On the other hand, "Pokémon Go" failed to keep its sensation, with the latest tracking data appears to suggest that the mobile game is simply a craze.

In July, "Pokémon Go" had almost 45 million daily users, but since the start of August, the figure appears to decline by 12 million. It is now claimed that there are just over 30 million who are playing the reality game. "Pokémon Go" is expected to have a further decline - as an engagement, the time users spend on the app, as well as the downloads have also visibly flopped.

With the data showing that the mobile game is finally wobbling, major apps such as Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter can breathe a sigh of relief. As the popularity of "Pokémon Go" had apparently been costing these social media networks considerable amounts of users, Bloomberg reported.

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